February 1, 2023

The difference between UX & UI Design: A simple guide for beginner’s

The difference between UX & UI Design: A simple guide for beginner’s

User Experience

User experience the term was coined by Donald Norman. User experience is how a person feels about using a product or service. User experience encompasses all aspects of the end user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products – Don Norman.

7 key factors that affect the User experience

Peter Morville's user experience honeycomb model illustrates the facets of user experience beyond usability.

Usefulness – the companies must provide useful products or services to the customers. No one wants to waste their time with a product or service that is don’t help to achieve their goals easily.

Usability – usability refers to how easily and effectively users can achieve their goal with a product.

Findability – the product must be easy to find. In web design, all the features must be easily navigatable by the user.

Credibility – it is referred to as the trust of the customers with your product. Customer testimonials and reviews on your website help to gain credibility.

Desirability – desirability plays an important role when the user has a lot of choices. Desirability creates an emotional bond with the user. A positive user experience is important for retaining users.

Accessibility – your product should be accessible by all kinds of users which include, designing for people who are with various types of disabilities such as hearing loss, impaired vision, etc.

Valuable – the product must deliver value to the user.

What is User Experience Design?

User experience design (UX, UXD, UED, or XD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product. – Wikipedia

UX design concentrates on what, where, when, how, why, and who uses the product. UX design is the user-centric design and it is focused on the user’s needs and wants. How users interact with it? How they find information? Where they click for navigation? – These are all part of the user experience. Simply says it is focused on the placement of visuals.

UX design is a mix of the technical and analytical fields. How UI and UX work together? UX and UI are inseparable concepts that companion with each other. UX is the user-centric design & UI helps to create a personal connection with users.

The process of UX design includes?

Research – In this phase, you will try to understand the requirements, conduct customers, and the competitor's analysis, identify the user needs. From this, you can create user personas, and you can create experience maps.

Design – This phase will define the functionality and the features.  Based on the gathered data UX designer builds basic design. This phase usually includes draw paper sketches, create wireframes, create sitemaps and create prototypes.

Validation – In the validation phase, the designer performs the usability analysis to identify whether the product came up with the design phase is works or not. The process will continue until achieving customer satisfaction.

Canadian-born soccer-lover and copywriter, editor and marketing strategist with a proven dedication to sales led and customer-centric copy. I create powerful content that drives home your key brand message to customers, leaving a lasting impression that is likely to convert.
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